Saturday, July 3, 2010

Shawshank Redemption

I begin Morgan Freeman week with my favorite movie he was in. If you have not seen this movie then you should seek forgiveness from your spiritual leader.

[]-Bad guy has facial hair
[]-Dead family member
[]-Bad guy “wants to deal with it myself”
[]-Someone gets impaled
[]-Someone gets a limb/head hacked off
[]-Someone explodes
[]-Someone dives out of the way of an explosion
[]-“I want him alive”
[]-Hard ass chick
[]-Runs out of ammo
[]-“We got company”
[]-Character that doesn't follow the rules
[xx]-Cocky douche bag
[xx]-Someone/something farts,poops,pukes,gets hit in the junk, or gets some sort of bodily fluid besides blood squirted,thrown,or splattered on them.
[]-Bad guy has a theme song
[xx]-Token black guy
[]-Black guy dies first
[]-“Aw hell no”
[]-Old man mentor
[]-Animal/robot/sidekick for comedy relief
[]-Guy named Jack
[]-Bad guy uses a pun
[x]-Crotchety old man
[]-4th wall breach
[]-Scenery shot to eat up time.
[]-Uncomfortable scene where cute guy/girl finds out unattractive friend wants to be more than friends or likes them as more than a friend.
[]-Bad guy laughs at own joke.
[xxxxxx]-Dead body.
[xx]-Main Character says something blatantly obvious.
[x]-intro with narrative back story.
[]-ASSHOLES that need to be castrated due to violent acts and crimes committed on children.

Either get busy livin or get busy diein
Lord it's a miracle!!!! Man up and vanished like a fart in the wind.
And it's fatass by a nose
He's a phantom, an apparition, second cousin to Harvey the rabbit. I conjured him out of thin air. He doesn't exist, except on paper.
I like to think the last thing that went through his head - other than that bullet - was to wonder how the hell Andy Dufresne ever got the best of him.
Old man is as crazy as a rat in a tin shit house.

This movie is just full of quotable lines. Hell I would be here all night typing the shit you will hear.


  1. You forgot my favorite quotes "I dont know what those two italian ladies were singing about, frankly I dont wanna know" and "Andy crawled to freedom through 500 yards of shit smelling foulness I cant even imagine...or maybe I just dont want to."

  2. oh and "You should know that sudden brain injury causes the victim to bite down hard. In fact I hear the bite reflex is so strong they have to pry the victims jaws open with a crow bar"

  3. "Where did you hear that?
    I read it. Do you know how to read you ignorant fuck?"

    "Boggs was paralyzed from the knees down. They transfered him to a minimal security hospital where he lived out the rest of his days. To the best of my knowledge he spent his days eating through a straw."

    "What say you fuzzy britches."

    Like I said I could go on forever.
