Sorry I haven't posted anything for a few days. I have been away from internet access for a few days and havent been able to stream anything. But I still like to give fans of the blog some content so I decided to post some filler. I was flipping channels and noticed that Dinocroc Vs. Supergator was on Syfy. So while I have no drinking game, quotes, etc. I have the cliche list for you that I checked off while I watched the movie. Also I have internet access again and will be watching a movie tonight. Tune in later today for Traitor.
Megacroc Vs. Supergator
[ ]Bad guy has facial hair
[x]Dead family member
[ ]Bad guy “wants to deal with it myself”
[ ]Someone gets impaled
[x]Someone gets a limb/head hacked off
[ ]Someone explodes
[x]Someone dives out of the way of an explosion
[ ]“I want him alive”
[x]Hard ass chick
[ ]Runs out of ammo
[ ]“We got company”
[x]Character that doesn't follow the rules
[x]Cocky douche bag
[ ]Someone/something farts,poops,pukes,gets hit in the junk, or gets some sort of bodily fluid -besides blood squirted,thrown,or splattered on them.
[ ]Bad guy has a theme song
[x]Token black guy
[ ]Black guy dies first
[ ]“Aw hell no”
[ ]Old man mentor
[ ]Animal/robot/sidekick for comedy relief
[ ]Guy named Jack
[x]Bad guy (this case, every character) uses a pun
[ ]Crotchety old man
[ ]Midget
[ ]Monkey
[ ]Uncomfortable scene where the cute guy/girl finds out unattractive friend wants to be more then friends or likes them more then a friend.
[ ]Bad guy laughs at at his own stupid joke
[ ]Character with a stupid name
[ ]That overused scene where the two characters almost kiss but get interrupted by something
[ ]Bumbling cops
[ ]Character misses chance to shoot bad guy because he is too busy staring or listening to what the bad guy is saying
[ ]Explanation via a chalkboard
[ ]“Last hope”
[xxxx]Blonde in distress
[ ]“Shes gonna blow!”
[ ]Car/vehicle flies off a cliff, then explodes
[ ]Henchmen waiting around and passing the time by talking to one another
[x]Character says something blatantly obvious
[ ]Intro includes narrated back story
[x]Deus Ex Machina
[x]Impossible throw/shot
Cliche total: 14/45
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