Friday, June 18, 2010

Road of No Return

This movie was more of a chick flique than a killer movie. Only cause of the soft hitmen that adopted two girls when the drugdealers they killed were trying to use them as payment to some Japanese pedophiles. Oh and if there is a stereotype it was used. Black guy hated whites loved fried chicken etc. White redneck was a neonatzi. Indian worshipped mother earth etc.

[xx]-Bad guy has facial hair
[x]-Dead family member
[]-Bad guy “wants to deal with it myself”
[x]-Someone gets impaled
[]-Someone gets a limb/head hacked off
[x]-Someone explodes
[]-Someone dives out of the way of an explosion
[]-“I want him alive”
[]-Hard ass chick
[]-Runs out of ammo
[]-“We got company”
[]-Character that doesn't follow the rules
[x]-Cocky douche bag
[]-Someone/something farts,poops,pukes,gets hit in the junk, or gets some sort of bodily fluid besides blood squirted,thrown,or splattered on them.
[]-Bad guy has a theme song
[x]-Token black guy
[]-Black guy dies first
[]-“Aw hell no”
[]-Old man mentor
[]-Animal/robot/sidekick for comedy relief
[]-Guy named Jack
[x]-Bad guy uses a pun
[]-Crotchety old man
[]-4th wall breach
[]-Scenery shot to eat up time.
[]-Uncomfortable scene where cute guy/girl finds out unattractive friend wants to be more than friends or likes them as more than a friend.
[x]-Bad guy laughs at own joke.
[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]-Dead body.
[x]-Main Character says something blatantly obvious.
[x]-intro with narrative back story.

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